Their interactions help debunk Washington’s ‘China threat’ narrative and should give Beijing the courage to relax its censorship and trust Chinese youth.
In the face of deep mistrust, government on both sides must adopt a nuanced approach that balances competition with cooperation and seek common ground.
Neither the anger of Chinese nationalists at the first sign of an insult, nor the self-righteousness of critics in the West is helpful. Recognising cultural differences and proceeding with patience and tolerance is a first step towards better understanding.
In the ‘struggle’ to safeguard national security, self-criticism is implicit. Yet Hong Kong politicians on both sides often fail to reflect on their actions. We need leaders who can, through studying history, assess the mood accurately and discern where Hong Kong’s evolution within China can lead.
The protesters do not represent the majority, who want to protect the vulnerable elderly, even as Beijing hesitates to import mRNA vaccines amid geopolitical heat. The rest of the world should help, not inflame sentiment.
Washington expects help from China on Ukraine while maintaining a campaign of hectoring and humiliation, including on China’s refusal to condemn Russia, and Taiwan. Much as Nixon’s visit to Beijing reshaped US-China relations, so peaceful means can be found to end cross-strait tensions and the Ukraine conflict.
Blindly accepting the West’s ‘good-vs-evil’ narrative risks prolonging the crisis, and China is right to resist pressure to choose a side. Instead, it must focus on securing a speedy resolution to avert further bloodshed and a global food crisis.
The MTR Corp has profited handsomely as a major property developer and landlord. As calls for regulation grow, it must recall its civic duties as a mostly publicly owned company and commit to providing affordable housing.
Developments in December reflect the tension between China’s moves towards allowing more foreign direct investment and concerns about national security. The two, however, are not mutually exclusive.