Derek Scissors

Derek Scissors

Derek Scissors is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

If insanity means doing the same thing again and again but expecting a different result, the world's central banks may be getting near that point.

Accusations come almost daily. China is waging a mercantilist campaign against multinationals for supposed monopoly abuses and other legal infractions.


There is a dispute between those who see mainland economic policy as merely being "fine-tuned" and those who see active stimulus.

One government thinks it should be able to spy on anyone, including its own citizens, because it is keeping the world safe. The other government thinks it should be able to steal anything because it has been a victim.

Expanding energy production in the United States could change the world. It may have, already - American inaction in Ukraine and Syria could be partly the result of less dependence on energy imports causing less interest in world affairs.

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