Alex Lo

Alex Lo

Alex Lo has been a Post columnist since 2012, covering major issues affecting Hong Kong and the rest of China. A journalist for 25 years, he has worked for various publications in Hong Kong and Toronto as a news reporter and editor. He has also lectured in journalism at the University of Hong Kong.

Smart money is on Pierre Poilievre being country’s prime minister after next federal election, and this ‘Tariff Man’ will not be friendly to Beijing.

A video by the militant group against ‘Chinese infidels’ has been spread widely by mainstream news media, while similar propaganda by Hamas and Hezbollah are routinely suppressed or ignored.

If normal is stressful in the world’s most high-pressured country, maybe Koreans need to blow off steam, now and then, by going against their government and politicians.

Accept ‘Greater Israel’ as a de jure state, resettle most Palestinians across the West and some in friendly Arab states, then compensate a small, token minority by granting them full Israeli citizenship.

Many fear the supposedly defunct ‘China Initiative’ – a racial profiling programme targeting Chinese-born scientists in the US – could return with a vengeance.
