Galaxy Macau, the new five-star casino resort, has bought up all the advertising space in the Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station - nearly 10,000 square metres in all - to promote its opening 12 days from now.
'This is the largest metro station-wide advertising campaign in China, if not the world,' said Amy Chan, the managing director at JCDecaux Transport Hong Kong, the sole agent for advertising in the six Hong Kong MTR train lines.
The campaign, whose price Galaxy Macau declined to disclose, began yesterday and will run until the end of this month. The ad blitz overwhelms the busy station's exterior and interior with the branding, images and promotions for Galaxy Macau, owned and operated by Hong Kong-listed Galaxy Entertainment Group.
The ads include exterior billboards, wrap-around graphics on the pillars, stickers on the floor and platform screen doors, posters and graphics on the wall and ceiling, a 3-D exhibition space on the concourse, digital panels and multimedia spots using the trackside and concourse television displays. There are up to 20 different advertising formats, according to Chan.
The displays at Tsim Sha Tsui, an area popular with mainlanders as well as international tourists, include images of the exterior and interior of the resort - casino, restaurant, spa, hotel rooms - with text in both Chinese and English.
A spokesman for Universal McCann, the media agency for Galaxy Macau, said multilingual promoters would be at the station's concourse on the weekends to answer any questions about the resort from commuters, including tourists from the mainland and other markets.
More than 97 per cent of Macau's nearly 25 million visitors last year were from Asia, according to Macau Government Tourist Office statistics.