Residents attack Government for lack of consultation in reclamation scheme
THE controversial reclamation plans for Lamma's main village came under attack at a stormy meeting yesterday when it was learned that government officials plan to instal sewerage facilities for three times the present population.
Fears were expressed that proposals were afoot to dramatically increase the number of people housed on the island.
In addition, many residents of fishing huts and houses along a stretch of waterfront set for major reclamation could be compensated with housing off the island, it was revealed at the three-hour meeting.
Public opinion was loud and uniformly critical as 14 government officials, who travelled to the island for the public forum, fought for order in a raucous session attended by 70 island residents.
Many residents were surprised to hear that a proposed sewage plant would be designed to serve a Yung Shue Wan population of 6,800. The present village population was estimated at 2,000 to 3,000 by officials.
''Who decided that this was necessary?'' asked Tim Dobson, a Lamma resident for 13 years. ''If the residents don't want this, what is the rationale for these projects?'' The Government's plan to reclaim and redevelop Yung Shue Wan harbour would involve the construction of seawalls, roads, the island's first sewage treatment plant and storage facilities for construction waste, building material and dangerous goods.
Island residents complained about the noise of construction and the environmental impact of the treatment plant and waste station on water quality in the harbour.