Doctors' union rejects Hospital Authority's promotion plan
The biggest public doctors' union last night rejected the Hospital Authority's promotion plans aimed at relieving a serious staff shortage.
A group of doctors' representatives met the authority's senior management last night in what they said was an opportunity for both sides to 'test the waters' ahead of formal talks tomorrow.
Dr Loletta So Kit-ying, president of the Public Doctors' Association, said the authority last night did not mention any concrete measures to improve working conditions.
'As the meeting is not a formal negotiation, we hope that the authority can come back with a more acceptable package [tomorrow],' she said.
The authority is under pressure to plug the brain drain of public hospital doctors. Some frontline staff have threatened industrial action over acute staffing problems.In some hospitals, departments were operating at 10 to 20 per cent below full staffing levels because those who have vacated their jobs were not replaced.
The authority plans to make 100 medical officers - with specialist qualifications and at least five full years of experience - associate consultants. This will cost HK$30 million in the coming year.