Discover a Richer Life by Ernest Holmes Tarcher/Penguin HK$104
A foray into most bookstores these days in search of sustenance for self growth is likely to yield shelves of New Age material. This account, though, by Ernest Holmes, described in the foreword as 'one of the great spiritual leaders of our day', eschews the touchy feely in favour of a more matter-of-fact and objective approach. As a result, Discover a Richer Life, despite its pleasingly simple title, is not necessarily the 'easy-to-read and easy-to-grasp book' that its blurb might suggest. At times, it feels and reads more like an academic paper covering topics as diverse as 'science of the mind' and 'stars, atoms and men' with unwieldy sentences that stretch as long as 80 words. That, in part, may be because Holmes died in 1960 before the self-growth movement really took off. But anyone seeking insight that resonates with their brain is likely to find parts of it appealing. Those, however, searching for a balm in response to a call for help from their hearts are likely to feel short-changed. A pity, then, that it doesn't explore more the link between the heart and brain, and embrace the spiritual over what at times feels rather spiritless.