Despite its small size, Hong Kong is a giant among jewellery markets. 'We have products from all over the world, all of the top international brands, the widest price range, the latest styles and the best jewellery in the world,' said Winston Chow, chairman of the Diamond Federation of Hong Kong and deputy general manager of Chow Sang Sang Jewellery.
Hong Kong's status as a duty-free port makes shopping for jewellery a bargain compared with countries that have high import tariffs and sales taxes on luxury items.
By buying in Hong Kong instead of other places in Asia, Chow estimates people could realise savings of 10 to 20 per cent on jewellery purchases.
Hong Kong's potential jewellery-buying population of seven million people is considerably inflated by the 30 million visitors who come to the city annually, 60 per cent of whom are from the mainland.
'By comparison, Taiwan has a population of 30 million but far fewer tourists. If you put Hong Kong's population and its number of visitors together, the total is greater than the population of Taiwan - and they're all concentrated in a small place,' Chow said.
Not only are people in Hong Kong exposed on a retail level to many brands and types of jewellery, but the territory is one of the world's leading jewellery manufacturers and exporters.