There was a time when anyone wanting to escape the concrete jungle just headed to the beach. Not any more.
The government wants to build a two-metre-high wall at the beach in Big Wave Bay to stop sand erosion.
Horrified beach-lovers and surfers argue it would be yet another over-engineered public work that would cause irrevocable damage to one of the city's last pristine areas.
Kenneth Howe, who has lived at Big Wave Bay for 11 years and has run a cafe on the beach for nearly five years, said he and other local inhabitants strongly objected to the plan.
Howe said an engineer in the Civil Engineering Development Department had told him that the 60-metre-long wall would be built in front of the sand dunes at the back of the beach.
'The beach will have a wall resembling that of a prison,' he said. 'People do not want to see concrete on the beach.'