An ageing population and a growing demand for health services are fuelling Hong Kong's urgent need for top-notch managers in the health care sector.
Geoffrey Lieu, programme director for the master of science in management (health services) at Polytechnic University (PolyU), said: 'Health care continues to expand and change. There will be a lot of leadership positions that will be available for people with good managerial sense and skills.'
In the past, doctors would ordinarily assume managerial roles in hospitals and other organisations, although many sorely lacked the benefit of management training.
'Things are slowly improving,' Dr Lieu said.
Management training would provide students with critical thinking and analytical skills, an ability to prioritise and isolate issues, and the skills to motivate people in a team or multidisciplinary setting, he said.
Offered by the faculty of business, PolyU's programme prepares students for management roles in institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, non-governmental organisations, clinics and health care companies.