'15,000 webpages infected with malware daily' and firms are falling behind in safeguarding their networks.
For most companies, the internet has become an indispensable means of doing business, whether it is to run an ERP system or an e-commerce platform, or simply as a communications channel and information source.
But with these benefits have come dangers, with the ever-present threat of hackers, viruses and spam.
As a result, many organisations have installed antivirus packages and firewalls to protect themselves.
Now, with the advent of Web2.0 platforms, mobile internet, third-party devices, external network access, social networking and a host of other technologies many companies are finding that their security infrastructure is woefully inadequate for the task of protecting their networks.
'The biggest change to traditional security measures has been the Web. There are 15,000 new webpages infected with malware every day. That is one every five seconds.