Mainland netizens condemn unrest by 'ungrateful' Tibetans in Lhasa
Riots in Tibet have been condemned by mainland bloggers amid a tightened grip on Web traffic.
A look at carefully screened mainland websites revealed negative ethnic feelings and nationalist sentiment among mainland citizens whose official creed is social harmony.
Since strife broke out last week, any postings regarding developments in the autonomous region have been filtered out or removed from the net minutes after they appeared. Online bulletin boards of major mainland Web portals faced blackouts on Friday night after authorities confirmed unrest in Tibet.
Most who managed to make postings criticised what was labelled as an opportunistic attempt to disrupt social stability. 'The country treats you so well, why do you have to do this,' one asked Tibetans in a forum at on Friday.
Despite strict control by police, the internet has become a platform for 200 million-odd mainland users to express opinions and get news.
A person who claimed to be in Lhasa when the uprising erupted commented on a forum at, an official news website: 'I was 200 metres from the fire, watching the rioters setting vehicles on fire with 200 to 300 onlookers gathering around the intersection.