From a start-up fund of S$5.6 million in 1993 to US$5.7 billion in assets under management as of June this year, the name Value Partners is still a miracle in the city's financial world.
The Hong Kong-based fund manager believes relatively expensive mainland-related stocks would still be supported by strong domestic consumption growth, and an anticipated rise in the yuan over the medium term, according to Value Partners' star fund manager Cheah Cheng Hye.
The firm has bet heavily on mainland stocks over the past decade, winning an average annualised return of 22.8 per cent since 1993.
'China is full of opportunities. We can either help international investors find projects in the mainland or bring mainland capital to invest overseas,' said Mr Cheah, also the company's chairman and chief investment officer.
He added that there would be plenty of room for future growth in the mainland's fund management sector because some restrictive policies are expected to be relaxed.
'We have an optimistic outlook on three sectors for the medium term - real estate, consumer goods and energy - given the strong market demand and expected high inflation environment,' Mr Cheah said.