Angel Man Nga-chi, a graduate engineer at Able Engineering, has always been fascinated about the aesthetics that different dimensions and angles buildings project.
As a child she would stare at an empty piece of land and when a building was eventually erected, she would wonder at such a marvel and how it came into existence. 'I have always been interested in buildings,' she said.
'When I was young, I would see a vacant lot, then a building constructed on it. I would wonder what was involved and needed to construct it.'
She eventually chose engineering as a career, specialising in the building discipline. The two years' training she has just completed has been challenging, and she is forging ahead, preparing for next year's professional exam.
Her work encompasses the entire process of building construction, such as tendering, which requires a certain financial aptitude.
An engineer in this discipline has to have considerable technical know-how and must pay attention to quality control, costs and time management.