What is it?
An anti-ageing facial treatment that's meant to smooth your skin, diminish fine lines and wrinkles and help with pigmentation. The facial is said to 'peel away the years' using tri-enzyme technology (a trio of enzymes) and there's a home-care kit for upkeep.
What do the enzymes do?
They help with rejuvenation of the skin, according to Elemis. As we get older, this slows down. The technology is said to improve your skin by stripping away the top layer and smoothing it out. The treatment claims to resurface the skin by up to 75 per cent after just one session.
What does it entail?
The facial starts with a good cleanse and peel, and is followed by a series of masks. After the facial you're advised to stay away from the sun and hot environments such as saunas, because the top layer of your skin has been seriously exfoliated.
Are the surroundings pleasant?