I recently watched Voces Inocentes (Innocent Voices), a Spanish-language war film based on a true story.
Set in El Salvador in the 1980s - during the country's civil war - it tells the story of a young boy who must decide between enlisting in the army or joining the guerrillas Its realistic portrayal of the brutality of war is touching.
Children end up as the victims of war. War steals their youth and forces them to fight for their survival.
They face tremendous suffering and witness bloodshed and death.
In 1980s El Salvador - and in other war-torn, third world countries today - young boys are trained to battle and kill at a young age.
Those who do not fight live a life on the run, fleeing when enemy soldiers encroach on their villages or hiding places.
The film made me realise how lucky I was as a child. I could live and study without the fear of having a bomb hitting my home or school.