I finally took my last exam after spending a string of late nights marked by studying and days fuelled by only fours hours of sleep.
It's a wonderful feeling to know that I no longer have any real obligations to school, even though I'll attend university in Canada next year. I plan to spend the next few weeks hanging out with friends and doing all the things I've wanted to do all month. Namely, watch Batman Begins, Sin City and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Even though I've accomplished a big feat, there's a still bigger matter to attend to: graduation!
I love the fact that schools recognise the efforts of graduating students. We didn't go insane while studying for exams and will receive a piece of paper in an over-elaborate ceremony as a way of saying: 'Good job on not flipping out.'
My suit is ready for the graduation ceremony. I decided to go with the tried-and-true combination of black and white.
I've overheard a couple of my classmates discussing how nervous that they're going to be when they go onstage to pick up their diplomas. Frankly, they're more likely to break down after they've watched the graduation video I've made.