Last week we looked at a listing of television programmes. Once you have seen some of the shows, you may want to express an opinion. This can be very effective.
You can think carefully about what you want to say and compose your thoughts and ideas in a clear, readable way.
After people read your piece, they will think about the programmes they have seen. Perhaps some of your friends or classmates could write about the same programmes and then you could all compare what you have written.
Whatever you decide, when you have written your piece, you could put it on the school notice board. If you have a school newspaper, you could submit it to the editor. Have fun!
Television Review
Last night's English language television was one of the best for a very long time. There was hardly a weak point in the schedule. Every programme seemed to have something to recommend it.
The evening began with Walking With Cockroaches. This was a fascinating look at the world of one of the most hated creatures in Hong Kong. The commentary was informative and the photography superb. We need more programmes like this one.