It's been nearly two weeks since I've taken the public exams and I'm starting to wonder if I have turned into a parasite.
My notes remain stacked in tall piles which are scattered throughout the flat. My parents have nagged me to tidy up, but I have insisted that the papers would still take up the same amount of space. It's a good excuse for laziness.
I can be found either sitting in front of either the television or the computer screen.
I channel-flip through all television programmes during the day and have even felt a tinge of excitement while watching a supposedly boring drama series from the 1980s.
I don't even bother to leave home to go out with friends, fearing the summer heat and crowded malls. Besides, the day is short when you wake up with the sun high in the sky.
All the things that I swore I'd do after the exam have become hollow promises.
For example, finding a summer job.