While all you Form Five students are getting anxious about the upcoming Cert Exam, the marathon that is A-Levels is nearly over.
I have been much calmer during this second experience of public exams - no more butterflies in my stomach when sitting in an unfamiliar hall surrounded by strangers. It's been more like sitting in a classroom, waiting for a term test. The experience of CE has made a difference to how I approach my A-Levels.
I still remember how my emotions were like a roller-coaster ride during my CE.
There were times when I was full of energy and determined to study. And then, as the exams dragged on, there were times when I was suddenly in the doldrums, wanting to give up studying.
Our emotions are the greatest hindrance to concentration and, of course, I wish I had been able to concentrate more on studying for the CE.
For A-Levels, some things have been different. Even though there have been fewer subjects for the past 15 months, I have still felt overwhelmed at times because there's more to study and we only just finished the syllabus in time. And I have still come out of the exam hall feeling frustrated and foggy.