Greetings from the English Corner! Entering our third year, this page will continue to be a platform for language learning as well as a place to let your imagination roam.
Give Me Five will stay to help you build your vocabulary. There will be tips on differentiating confusing words and solutions to problems associated with tricky English expressions.
But helping you learn English is just one of our many objectives.
Critical thinking is equally essential. No one likes to listen to empty talk!
From this Friday, the Young Post's weekly commentary will put the week's headline news into perspective.
CK Lau, the South China Morning Post's Executive Editor (News), will draw on his 20 years of experience as a journalist and share with readers his insights into what's happening around us in a weekly column.
He will explain the significance of selected news items, how they can be analysed from different perspectives and how they might affect young people. Mr Lau welcomes suggestions from readers on what items he should tackle.