Investment-linked products represent a strong, strategic direction for insurer AXA, according to AXA China Region chief operating officer Warren Lee.
'We have seen in other markets around the world it goes hand in hand: as more people become involved in equity markets, demand increases for these products,' he says.
'The benefits these products give you, especially as the customer becomes more knowledgeable about investment markets, include the range of alternatives.
'Rather than a traditional product, where you put your money in and the insurer invests it as they see fit, with these you can choose to put more money into equities or bonds, depending on your risk profile.
'Definitely, with our investment-linked products you can choose where to put your money.'
Mr Lee says: 'People take out different policies at different stages of their life. For example, we are about to launch a new investment-linked product. It is a retirement product, so it is a longer-term product with an annuity option on the end.'