SOME OF CHINA's leaders are having second thoughts about whether they are ready to retire this year, according to rumours emanating from Zhongnanhai.
The last-minute doubts add a dash of spice to the routine dish served up at the National People's Congress (NPC) which opens on Tuesday, especially as the chief suspect, Li Peng, will be on stage as its presiding chairman.
The year's big political event is actually the Communist Party's 16th Congress, now about six months away. Until then the NPC is the only public event where it is possible to see all the main protagonists in action.
The script rarely varies from one NPC to another, but there is at least the opportunity to study the body language of the top triumvirate - President Jiang Zemin, Mr Li and Premier Zhu Rongji.
All the stories circulating say they have again fallen out on the terms for their mutual retirement at the 16th Congress.
One version has it that Mr Li wants Mr Jiang to agree that he can become state president after he relinquishes his post as head of the NPC next year.