You finally have your textbooks sorted out, new school uniform ironed and timetable stuck on the wall next to your play station. But just how prepared are you for another challenging year?
Teddy Wong Ka-ho, 15, a Form Five student, is ready to study hard. During the summer, he ploughed through past exam papers and read reference books to extend his general knowledge.
'I am going to spend more time on studying because the HKCEE is now a main source of worry,' he said.
Ka-ho likes basketball, computer games and swimming, but he has decided to reduce his extra-curricular activities in the coming year because he wants to achieve good results.
'I will make revising my weakest subjects a priority. I want to tackle the most difficult subjects first,' he said.
However, third former Wang Siu-chun is less prepared. The 13-year-old said he spent much of his summer playing online games with friends on the Internet and he has yet to buy all of his textbooks. Siu-chun said: 'I postponed my new school year preparations until the last minute.'