The South China Morning Post and The Hongkong Telegraph
Sunday, March 10, 1946 A Bird's Eye View by Argus The German aristocracy is said to have disappeared. Von on Von. * * * The re-afforestation of the Colony is a good idea. There's always a demand for family trees. * * * The new rules for preventing war remind me that I never knew just exactly what the old ones were. * * * A new American screen actress is described as having eyes like summer lightning, a hoarse voice and a sultry expression. Sounds like flu. * * * A London report promises 'hourglass' waistlines. The feminine waist is apparently approaching the minute. * * * Yesterday's report did not state whether Charlie Chaplin's baby is a boy or a girl. Perhaps they forgot to look at its feet. * * * The Chicago Tribune wants Britain to rid its Empire of the caste system at home and slavery abroad. That note of surprise you heard came right from Harlem. * * * A rather tipsy gentleman approached a bar and ordered two whiskies.
The bartender watched in amazement as the inebriate drank one and poured the other into his vest pocket.
After half-a-dozen rounds of this the bartender could control his curiosity no longer.
'Say,' he asked, 'what's the idea of drinking one and pouring the other into you pocket?' 'None of you business. It's my money and my drinks and I'll do what I want to with 'em' 'Yes I know, but ...' 'An' what's more,' interrupted the drunk, 'if you ask me any more questions, I'll punch you one right on the most.' Just then a little mouse stuck his head out of the vest pocket and waved a paw full of groggy menace.
'Yesh,' he said, 'an' that goes for your dam' ol' cat, too!' 'EX-CONVICTS' MEET Reunion of Residents Imprisoned by Japs AN ASSOCIATION FORMED The first reunion party of residents imprisoned and interned by the Japanese was held at the Hong Kong Hotel Roof Garden yesterday, when the G-Hall Graduates of Stanley University held a tea-party which was attended by a large number of members and guests. Yesterday was the second anniversary of the day when 40 residents, including women, were committed for trial having spent several months in detention.
The function, besides being a reunion, was also for the purpose of forming an Association of former political prisoners of the Japanese. An election of officials was held, resulting as follows: President, Mr J. H. Ruttonjee; Vice-Presidents, Mr Ho Wing and Dr F. Bunje; Hon. Secretary, Mr F. E. d'Almada Remedios; Hon. Treasurer, Mr Imam Din; Committee, Messrs L. E. Basto, Lo Heung-hui, Wong Yee-wong and Mrs L. E. Basto. A constitution will shortly be drafted.
The Association is open to all former political prisoners. Plans are being made for a reunion dinner, on August 29, the anniversary of the date when sentence was passed on the prisoners, ranging from the death sentence to two years' imprisonment.