SEMI-TECH (Global) Co says its associate, Sansui Electric Co, will lose 600 million yen (about HK$42 million) in the year to December 31, instead of a net profit of 100 million yen.
Semi-Tech said in a revised forecast issued yesterday that sales would be 10 per cent lower at nine billion yen, for an operating loss of 400 million yen, and a net loss of 600 million yen.
This contrasts with a forecast last August of an operating profit of 300 million yen. Semi-Tech blamed the revision on lower sales, due to a stagnant audio market in Japan.
It also cited as factors a delay in planned expense-saving and lower than expected royalty income, and it said the 400 million yen operating loss also was partly due to the yen's fluctuations in 1995.
Semi-Tech added that the projected net loss of 600 million yen was an improvement of 472 million yen over the comparative figures for 1994 if the special royalty income was taken into account.
It did not offer further details about the special royalty income.